Policies and Procedures
Setting school policy is a crucial school board role in our system of education governance. Like Congress, state legislatures and city or county councils, school boards establish the direction and structure of their school districts by adopting policies through the authority granted by state legislatures. School board policies have the force of law equal to statutes or ordinances.
Policies establish directions for the district; they set the goals, assign authority and establish controls that make school governance and management possible. District Board Policies are grouped by topic.
- 1000 - Board of Education
- 2000 - Instruction
- 3000 - Students
- 4000 - Community Relations
- 5000 - Personnel
- 6000 - Management Support
1000 - Board of Education
- 1000 - Legal Status and Operation
- 1005 - Key Functions of the Board
- 1105 - Director District Boundaries
- 1110 - Election
- 1111 - Oath of Office
- 1112 - Director Orientation
- 1113 - Board Member Residency
- 1114 - Board Member Resignation
- 1115 - Vacancies
- 1210 - Annual Organizational Meeting, Election of Officers
- 1220 - Board Officers & Duties of Board Members
- 1225 - School Director Legislative Program
- 1230 - Secretary
- 1240 - Committees
- 1310 - Policy Adoption, Manuals & Administrative Procedure
- 1320 - Suspension of a Policy
- 1330 - Administration in the Absence of Policy and Procedure
- 1400 - Meeting Conduct, Order of Business and Quorum
- 1410 - Executive or Closed Sessions
- 1420 - Proposed Agenda & Consent Agenda
- 1430 - Audience Participation
- 1440 - Minutes
- 1450 - Absence of a Board Member
- 1610 - Conflicts of Interest
- 1620 - Board-Superintendent Relations & Board-Staff Communications
- 1630 - Evaluation of the Superintendent
- 1731 - Board Member Expenses
- 1732 - Board Member Insurance
- 1805 - Open Government Training
- 1810 - Annual Goals & Objectives
- 1820 - Evaluation of the Board
- 1822 - Training & Development of the Board
- 1830 - Participation in School Boards' Association
2000 - Instruction
- 2000 - Student Learning Goals
- 2004 - Accountability Goals
- 2005 - School Improvement Plans
- 2020 - Curriculum Development and Adoption of Instructional Materials
- 2022 - Electronic Resources
- 2024 - Online Learning
- 2025 - Copyright Compliance
- 2027 - District Ownership of Staff-Created Work
- 2029 - Animals in the Classrooms
- 2080 - Assessments
- 2090 - Program Evaluation
- 2104 - Federal and/or State Funded Special Instructional Programs
- 2106 - Program Compliance
- 2108 - Remediation Programs
- 2110 - Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program
- 2121 - Substance Abuse Program
- 2125 - Sexual Health Education
- 2126 - HIV/AIDS Prevention Education
- 2145 - Suicide Prevention
- 2150 - Co-Curricular Program
- 2151 - Interscholastic Activities
- 2153 - Non-Curriculum Related Student Groups
- 2154 - Wednesday Night Student Activities
- 2161 - Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
- 2162 - Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504
- 2163 Response to Intervention
- 2165 - Home or Hospital Instruction
- 2170 - Career and Technical Education
- 2178 - Traffic Safety Education
- 2190 - Highly Capable Programs
- 2195 - Academic Acceleration
- 2220 - School Calendar
- 2240 - Summer School
- 2255 - Alternative Learning Experience
- 2320 - Field Trips
- 2333 - Flag Exercises
- 2336 - Required Observances
- 2340 - Religious-Related Activities and Practices
- 2402 - English Language Arts
- 2403 - Math
- 2404 - Science
- 2405 - Social Studies
- 2406 - The Arts
- 2407 - Health and Fitness
- 2408 - Integrated Environmental and Sustainability Education
- 2409 - Credits for Competency-Proficiency
- 2410 - High School Graduation Requirements
- 2411 - Certificate of Educational Competency
- 2412 - Diplomas for Veterans
- 2413 - Equivalency Credit Opportunities
- 2414 - Community Service
- 2418 - Waiver of High School Graduation Credits
- 2420 - Grading and Progress Reports
3000 - Students
- 3110 - Qualifications of Attendance and Placement
- 3114 - Part-time, Home-based or Off-Campus Students
- 3115 - Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services
- 3116 - Students in Foster Care
- 3120 - Enrollment
- 3121 - Compulsory Attendance
- 3122 - Excused and Unexcused Absences
- 3123 - Withdrawal Prior to Graduation
- 3124 - Removal/Release of Student During School Hours
- 3126 - Child Custody
- 3131 - District Attendance Area Transfers
- 3140 - Release of Resident Students
- 3141 - Nonresident Students
- 3142 - International Student Exchange
- 3143 - District Notification of Juvenile Offenders
- 3144 - Release of Information re: Student Sexual & Kidnapping Offenders
- 3200 - Rights and Responsibilities
- 3205 - Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited
- 3205P1- Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited - Grievance Procedure
- 3205P2 - Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited - Implementation Procedure
- 3206 - Pregnant and Parenting Students
- 3206P - Pregnant and Parenting Students
- 3207 - Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
- 3210 - Nondiscrimination
- 3210 P - Nondiscrimination
- 3211 - Gender-Inclusive Schools
- 3211P - Gender-Inclusive Schools
- 3220 - Freedom of Expression
- 3223 - Freedom of Assembly
- 3224 - Student Dress
- 3225 - School-Based Threat Assessment
- 3226 - Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises
- 3230 - Student Privacy and Searches
- 3231 - Student Records
- 3232 - Parent and Student Rights in Administration of Surveys, Analysis or Evaluations
- 3240 - Student Conduct
- 3241 - Classroom Management, Corrective Actions or Punishment
- 3242 - Departure from Campus
- 3243 - Student Driving
- 3244 - Prohibition of Corporal Punishment
- 3245 - Student and Telecommunication Devices
- 3246 - Use of Reasonable Force
- 3247 - Required Notification of Isolation or Restraint of Students with IEPs or Section 504 Plans
- 3410 - Student Health
- 3412 - Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
- 3413 - Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Condition
- 3414 - Infectious Diseases
- 3415 - Accommodating Students with Diabetes
- 3416 - Medication at School
- 3417 - Catheterization
- 3418 - Emergency Treatment
- 3419 - Self-Administration of Asthma & Anaphylaxis Meds
- 3420 - Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response
- 3421 - Child Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Prevention
- 3422 - Student Sports - Concussion and Head Injuries
- 3424 - Opioid Related Overdose Reversal
- 3432 - Emergencies
- 3510 - Associated Student Bodies
- 3515 - Student Incentives
- 3520 - Student Fees, Fines, Charges
- 3530 - Fundraising Activities Involving Students
4000 - Community Relations
- 4000 - Public Information Program
- 4020 - Confidential Communications
- 4040 - Public Access to District Records
- 4050 - Data Sharing with Local Tribes
- 4060 - Distribution of Materials
- 4110 - Citizen's Advisory Committees and Task Forces
- 4120 - School-Support Organizations
- 4130 - Title I Parental Involvement
- 4200 - Safe and Orderly Learning Environment
- 4210 - Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises
- 4215 - Use of Tobacco on School Property
- 4218 - Language Access Plan
- 4220 - Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs
- 4237 - Contents, Advertising and Promotions
- 4260 - Use of School Facilities
- 4300 - Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools
- 4310 - Relations with the Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Child Protective Agencies and the County Health Department
- 4311 - School Resource Officer
- 4314 - Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm
- 4315 - Release of Information Concerning Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders
- 4320 - Cooperative Programs with Other Districts and Public Agencies
5000 - Personnel
- 5000 Recruitment and Selection of Staff
- 5001 Hiring Retired School Employees
- 5005 Fiscal Employment: Disclosures, Certification Req., Assurances & Approval
- 5006 Certification/Revocation
- 5010 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
- 5011 Sexual Harassment
- 5012 Parental, Family Conditions of Staff
- 5050 Contracts
- 5201 Drug-Free Workplace
- 5202 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Mandates Drug and Alcohol Testing Program
- 5222 Job-Sharing Staff Members
- 5230 Job Descriptions/Responsibilities
- 5231 Length of Work Day
- 5240 Evaluation of Classified, Certificated and Administrative Staff
- 5245 Management Team
- 5251 Conflicts of Interest
- 5253 Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries
- 5260 Personnel Records
- 5270 Resolution of Staff Complaints
- 5271 Reporting Improper Government Action
- 5275 Employee Conduct Rules
- 5280 Termination of Employment
- 5281 Disciplinary Action and Discharge
- 5282 Early Notification Incentive
- 5400 Personnel Leaves
- 5401 Sick Leave
- 5402 Maternity Leave
- 5403 Family Emergency Leave
- 5404 Famiy Leave
- 5406 Leave Sharing
- 5407 Military Leave
- 5408 Jury Duty Subpoena Leave
- 5409 Discretionary Leave
- 5510 Retirement Programs
- 5515 Workforce Secondary Traumatic Stress
- 5520 Staff Development
- 5610 Substitute Employment
- 5630 Volunteers
- 5641 Student Teachers
- 5642 Internships
6000 - Management Support
- 6000 Program Planning, Budget Prep, Adoption and Implementation
- 6010 Fiscal Year
- 6020 System of Funds and Accounts
- 6021 Interfund Loans
- 6030 Financial Reports
- 6040 Expenditures in Excess of Budget
- 6100 Revenues From Local State and Federal Sources
- 6101 Federal Cash and Financial Management
- 6102 District Fundraising Activites
- 6106 Available Costs for Federal Programs
- 6112 Rental or Lease of Dostrict Real Property
- 6114 Gifts
- 6120 Investment Funds
- 6210 Purchasing: Authorization Control
- 6212 Charge Cards
- 6213 Reimbursement for Travel Expenses
- 6215 Voucher Certification and Approval
- 6216 Reimbursement for Goods and Services: Warrents
- 6220 Bid Requirements
- 6225 Use of Electronic Signature
- 6230 Relations with Vendors
- 6240 Food and Beverage Consumption
- 6250 Cellular Telephones
- 6500 Risk Management
- 6510 Safety
- 6511 Staff Safety
- 6512 Infection Control Program
- 6513 Workplace Violence Program
- 6530 Insurance
- 6535 Student Insurance
- 6540 School District's Responsibilty for Privately-Owned Property
- 6550 Lease Capitalization Threshold
- 6570 Property Data and Records Management
- 6600 Transportation
- 6605 Student Safety-Walking to School and Riding Bus
- 6620 Special Transportation
- 6625 Private Vehicle Transportation
- 6630 Driver Training and Responsibilities
- 6700 Nutriton and Physical Fitness
- 6800 Operations and Maintenance of School Property
- 6801 Capital Assets/Theft-Sensitive Assets
- 6810 Energy Management/Education
- 6881 Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials
- 6882 Sale of Real Property
- 6883 Closure of Facilities
- 6890 State Environment Policy Act Compliance
- 6895 Pesticide Notification, Posting, and Record Keeping
- 6910 Construction Financing
- 6920 Construction Design
- 6921 Educational Specifications
- 6950 Contractor Assurances, Surety Bonds, and Insurance
- 6955 Maintenance Records
- 6959 Acceptance of Completed Project
- 6970 Naming Facilities