Staff Resources
Based on new legislation that was passed and signed into law on June 30, 2017, there have been several significant changes to Teacher/ESA Certification renewal in E2SHB 1341 and significant changes to the Washington Administrative Code (WACs) regarding renewing a teaching and ESA certificate. On this page you will find helpful links and information regarding these changes, including a FAQ provided by the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB), which is the rules-making agency regarding teacher certification.
Certification Information
How to access and create an E-Certification account
All Certificate Application and Certificate Renewals are now online. ESD 105 no longer processes certificate applications. Educators need to create a profile in the OSPI E-Certification System. This link is where you go to create your account. There is also information on how to access and create your E-Certification account.
Changes to renewal requirements for residency, professional & continuing teacher & CTE certificates
Beginning on Sept. 1, 2019 renewal applications for residency, professional and continuing teacher and CTE certificates must document completion of at least 15 clock hours, or at least one goal from an annual professional growth plan (PGP) with an emphasis on STEM integration to meet this renewal requirement. The requirement applies to the following endorsement areas: Elementary Education (K-8) endorsement, Early Childhood Education (P-3) endorsement, Mathematics (5-12), Middle Level Math (4-9), Middle Level Science (4-9), Science (5-12), Designated Sciences (5-12) - Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Space Science, Physics, Technology Education & CTE Teachers. The STEM certificate renewal requirement is considered to be met by holder of a valid National Board Certificate. Below is a link to the OSPI STEM Clock Hour requirement.
Who is effected by TPEP - Teacher Principal Evaluation Program
Beginning on Sept. 1, 2019 renewal applications for professional and continuing teacher, administrators and CTE certificates must document completion of at least 15 clock hours or at least one goal from an annual professional growth plan (PGP) related to the knowledge and competency of the teacher and principal evaluation criteria or system. This is not required for residency certificate renewal. Below is a link to the OSPI TPEP requirement.
For school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers & school nurses only
Effective July 1, 2015, the candidate shall attest to the completion of a Professional Educators Standards Board approved suicide prevention training within the previous five years. The training program must be at least three hours in length. Below is a link to the OSPI requirement.
Professional Growth Plans (PGP)
Professional Growth Plans are required for those who hold a Professional Certificate (teacher, administrator, ESA) for certificate renewals. Continuing Certificate holders may still use verification of clock hours or a combination of clock hours and PGP plans for renewals. Below is a link to the PESB guidance on PGP plans and templates.
Administrators Principal, Assistant Principal, Program Administrator, Superintendent Renewal Process
New: Teachers, educational staff associates and principals may now renew their residency certificates in five-year intervals by completing 100 clock hours. Obtaining a professional certificate is now optional.
Certification holder requirement: "Certification Requirements are subject to changes. The certificated professional is responsible for being knowledgable about current and revised regulations. It is the responsibility of the Certificate holder to obtain and maintain valid appropriate Washington certification to practice in this state." Grandview School District's role is to assist you in maintaining your certificate, ultimately it is the responsibilty of the certificate holder to maintain their certificate, not the district's responsibilty.