Application Requirements
We are always looking for qualified people to join our team. Our goal is to have students that are as well educated as any in the world. Please take a look at our current openings. If you have already applied with us and find a position that interests you, please submit a letter of interest for that job. You may email your letter of interest to Faviola Ledesma or mail it to the district office.
- General Requirements
As part of the hiring process, all new employees must submit (in addition to the application forms) the following for hiring:
- Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9), with two listed forms of ID
- Social Security Card
- W-4
- Internet Consent Form
- Directory Information Sheet with emergency contact information
- Fingerprints. If you have not been fingerprinted by a school district within the last two years call 882-8500 to schedule an appointment
- If subbing a Notification of Reasonable Assurance which gives notice of school breaks.
- If being hired as a parapro have met the highly qualified paraprofessional requirements, verification of passing the state parapro assessment test or an official transcript showing 72 quarter credits (100 level or higher) or a two year degree or above.
- If being hired as a sub or regular custodian or a sub or regular food service employee required paperwork from our office and pass a pre-employment physical at your expense.
- Administrative Positions
Certified administrative positions (i.e., principals, vice principals) require state certification. We look for administrators who are visionary, high energy, flexible, innovative and team oriented. To be considered for certified administrative positions, please complete the certified application along with a letter of interest, resume, placement file or three (3) letters of recommendation, copies of transcripts (official transcripts required upon hire), three (3) district reference forms, and your certificate or permit.
- Certificated Positions
Certified positions (i.e., teachers, counselors, psychologists, librarians, nurses, physical and occupational therapists) require state certification. To be considered for certified employment, please complete our certified application, along with a resume, placement file or three (3) district reference forms. You may be requested to send copies of your transcripts (student on-line copy is OK) and certificate during the review process. You may send them with your application if you choose. Official transcripts and a copy of your certificate will be required upon hire.
- Classified Positions
Classified positions (non-teaching) include bus drivers, custodians, clerical staff, food service and para-professionals. To be considered for classified positions, please complete our classified application, along with a letter of interest, resume, three letters of recommendation and verification of completion of high school.
HR Contacts
Executive Director Human Resources
Josie Chase
HR Specialist
Faviola Ledesma
HR Assistant
Ubaldo Pena
Equal Opportunity
Grandview School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Executive Director of Special Programs is the assigned Title IX Coordinator/ Section 504/ADA Coordinator/ Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator. Contact information is as follows; 913 W 2nd St Grandview WA 98930, 509-882-8500, compliance@gsd200.org.