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Grandview School District

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Technology Home

About Technology

The Grandview School District Technology Department, located in the Administration Building, is open weekdays from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. The department supports information and technology systems throughout the school district. For the fastest possible service, please submit a detailed request in the Helpdesk. We can also be reached by calling 882-8560.

Here are just some of the areas where we provide infrastructure and end-user support:
  • Computer hardware and applications
  • Document cameras and projectors
  • Video conferencing
  • Web content filtering
  • Telephones
  • Email
  • Internet access
  • District and school websites

GHS Laptop Insurance Program

This year the Grandview School District is implementing a new GHS Laptop Insurance Program at Grandview High School. Starting this year, Grandview High School is a 1-to-1 school – meaning we have enough devices that every student will have access to a laptop computer. Through the new GHS Laptop Insurance Program, students who opt to use a Grandview High School device will pay $25 per year to insure their device. The insurance plan helps cover a student’s cost if their device is damaged. It also helps lower the cost to the student to replace the device if it is lost or stolen. Insurance must be purchased by Oct. 1, or it will be added to a student’s account, meaning a student will be required to pay it before graduation or official transcripts can be issued. We have a program in place to help cover the cost for families in need. Please contact the building principal at (509) 790-1578 or by email at and she will assist you.


Technology Support Main Line

Director of Technology Jessie Espinoza

Database/Network Support
David Magana

Technology Support Specialist 1 Ernesto Armendariz

Technology Support Technician 1 Eduardo Estrada