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Grandview School District

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SBAC Assessment

For complete, up-to-date information on SBAC and other assessment issues, please consult the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP). The WCAP website contains detailed information about test administration.

Access Testing Software

SBAC assessment and practice exams are conducted with a Secure Browser. The Secure Browser is available for multiple platforms.   On Windows

    1.  Use the WASecureBrowser icon, on your computer Desktop, or in the Start Menu.
Picture of SBAC shortcuts

                     On the sign-in screen, confirm the browser version shown is Browser: Secure v8.   On Chromebooks

  1. Before logging on, click the Apps button, then select AIRSecureTest
Picture of Chromebook SBAC shortcut

Test Headphones

  1. Plug headphones into a USB port in the computer.
  2. Wait for the computer to detect and install any required drivers. You should see an icon in the lower right corner of the screen appear, then disappear once the drivers are loaded.
  3. Double-click the WASecureBrowser on the computer Desktop.
  4. Click the button to go to the Practice and Training Test Site.
  5. Click Run Diagnostics in the lower left corner of the sign-in screen.
  6. Click TTS Check, then follow the on-screen instructions.


 Best Practices

  1. For Windows devices, verify that WASecureBrowser is on the computer Desktop BEFORE the day of testing. If you do not see the icon, reboot the computer and the software will install automatically.
  2. Use power strips and extension cords to keep laptops plugged in during testing. Have a contingency plan for the possibility that power is lost during the testing session. Once power is restored to the building, wait 30 minutes to make sure power utility and network services have stabilized. 
  3. Have an overflow location for testing if students don't finish in the lab environment. This could be a library, classroom lab, or a few classroom computers.