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Grandview School District

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Canvas Learning Management System Resources

Canvas Resources

Grandview Login Page

Main login page for Grandview School District 

Video Tutorials

Canvas Guides

Canvas Guides is the online documentation site for students, instructors, instructional designers, parents, and learning management system (LMS) admins. 

Canvas Live

Resource for participating in online live and free webinars.

Canvas Rollout, Training, and Adoption Strategies Course

Canvas Catalog of Courses

Enroll in free canvas courses on a broad range of subjects.  

Course Collections

Free courses you can download and use as a template course. 

Instructor Guides

Resources for teachers. Answers many frequently asked questions. 

Canvas - Parents/Observers

1 - What can an Observer do?

The Observer role can be used to enroll Parents, Mentors, and Guests who would like to participate in a Canvas course but do not need to earn course credit. 

2 - Add an Observer to a course, instructions for Teachers

You can add observers and Teaching Assistants (TAs) to your course at any time. 

3 - Register as a Parent/Observer (VIDEO)

Follow these directions to create a parent account and see what your children are working on in class. Here is a link to the Grandview School District Canvas page, where you can start the registration process. 

4 - Change my preferred language

English is Canvas' language default, but you can choose to view the Canvas interface in another language. 

5 - Add contact methods like text (SMS)

You can add a text or SMS communication channel to receive Canvas notifications on your cell phone.

6 - Navigate a course as an Observer


7 - Adjust notification preferences

Set your own Canvas notification preferences that connect with your linked web services and other contact methods 

8 - Link to another student

Add additional students to observe using your account. 

Canvas - Grade Passback

How do I publish grades in Skyward?

If your institution is using Skyward as a Student Information System (SIS), you can use the Gradebook to pass final grades back to Skyward. Grades are passed back if an assignment is specifically included as part of the grades transfer. You can include grades for assignments, graded discussions, and quizzes on a per-assignment basis.

How do I set-up an assignment to be sent to Skyward?


How do I set up a quiz to be sent to Skyward?

How do I set-up a graded discussion to be sent to Skyward?

Skyward set-up procedures and FAQ

The Gradebook integration is a one-way transfer from Canvas to Skyward. Only assignments that appear in
the default Gradebook can be sent to Skyward. Changes in Canvas will always overwrite changes in Skyward.
If a change is made in Skyward, the change will not be reflected in Canvas.