Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
FFVP Eligibility
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program provides the opportunity for all students in participating schools to receive a variety of FREE fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the school year. The GOAL of the FFVP is to expand the variety of vegetables children experience, increase children's fruit and vegetable consumption and make a difference in children's diets to impact their present and future health. As a requirement from the OSPI - The Office of Superindent of Public Instruction, this program only pertains to elementary schools.
Depending on what the product is and the time in season, the Grandview School District abides by the Buy American Provision and tries to purchase a Domestic Product. This is not a snack option, sometimes it is a smaller quantity or a taste of an item.
FFVP Participant Benefits
Washington State receives temporary funding to increase participant benefits OLYMPIA – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants will receive additional support towards fruit and vegetable purchases.