Nutrition Services
About Nutrition Services
The Nutrition Services Department in the Grandview School District provides our students with a variety of nutritionally balanced meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner that meet or exceed the USDA's Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act certification standards. The Grandview School District qualifies for the Community Eligibility Provision, which means that we are able to provide all students enrolled in the district with meals at no charge. In addition to breakfast and lunch, this year we launched the Supper Meal program which allows us to provide supper meals for those students that participate in after-school enrichment activities. Si necesita esta información en otro idioma, llame al (509-831-6973)
Child Nutrition Eligibilty & Education Benefit Application 2024-2025 School Year
The Grandview School District will serve meals each school day at no charge. It is important that you still complete the Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit application as it may qualify you for the following:
Summer EBT benefits,
Reduced fees for other programs and activities
Help secure funding for your school district
Who should fill out an application?
Fill out the application if:
Total household income is the SAME or LESS than the amount on the chart below
You receive Basic Food, take part in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
Receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for your children.
You are applying for foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court
Turn in the application to Sabrina Garibay at the Grandview School District, or email the application at:
Be sure to submit ONLY ONE application per household. We will notify you if the application is approved or denied. If any child you are applying for is homeless (McKinney-Vento), or migrant, check the appropriate box.
Click For The Application Here
Be sure you know what's for here to find the Grandview School District's menus.
Nutrition Announcements
The Grandview School District, a National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program participant, is taking advantage of the Community Eligibility Provision for the 2022-2023 school year.
Grandview School District is required to have the "Request for Special Dietary Accommodations" form on file, completed, and signed by a recognized medical authority for any substitution/accommodation needed.
Qualifying school-aged children will receive a one-time lump sum of $120 per child to cover the summer period through July and August 2023.