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Grandview School District

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Student Health Services

About Health Services


The registered nurses of Grandview School District believe that a healthy child in a safe and healthy environment is the best learner, and that healthy employees are the foundation for excellence in the classroom. 

Your School Health Office




School nurses work with students, families, and school staff to ensure that all children can participate fully in school. 

Children will often leave the house in the morning and seem completely healthy. Sometimes a student's health may change over the course of the day and he/she can become sick or injured while at school. 

When a child comes to the school health room, he or she will be assessed by the school nurse or the health aide. This assessment might include checking a student's temperature or asking clarifying questions about their symptoms. If a student experiences an injury, often an initial cleaning up of a scrape and the application of a band-aid or ice pack will alleviate the problem. The child may rest and be observed for a short time to see if the symptoms resolve.

If it is determined that your child is truly sick or injured, the parent or guardian will be called. Please make sure that your phone number and those of your emergency contacts are accurate and updated. 







Staying Home When Sick

Please keep children home for: 

  • Fever over 100 degrees in the last 24 hours
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea
  • Any new rash with or without a fever
  • Colored drainage from eyes or ears
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Skin lesions that are weeping
  • Head Lice if not treated


Cindy Howe 
District R.N. GHS

Sylvia Garcia
C.N.A. GHS    

Richard Lang
District R.N. GMS

Belinda Razo
C.N.A. Smith Elementary   

Sara Sarmiento
C.N.A McClure

Autumn Gildersleeve
District R.N. Elementary


