Parent Notifications
The Grandview School District has updated it's non-discrimination statement and sexual harassment policies.
Click here to view the most up-to-date information.
School districts must take steps to make sure students, families and employees know about their rights. Not only is this required by law, but it helps families and staff know how to resolve concerns at the local level. We hope you find the following information helpful as we get ready to start the new school year.
Parents at the Grandview School District may request teacher and/or para qualifications at your students school or may contact the GSD Human Resources Department. Teacher and Paraeducator Qualifications - In compliance with the requirements of the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA) the Grandview School District would like to inform you that you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) or instructional paraprofessional(s). A. The following information may be requested for teacher(s): 1. Whether the teacher has met Washington teacher certification requirements for the grade level and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction. 2. Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional status through which Washington qualifications or certification criteria have been waived. 3. The college major and any graduate certification or degree held by the teacher. 4. Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so their qualifications. B. The following information may be requested for instructional paraprofessional(s): Paraprofessionals must work under the supervision of a certified teacher. In schools that operate a schoolwide program, all paraprofessionals must meet professional qualifications. In a Targeted Assistance program, any paraprofessional who is the direct supervision of a certificated teacher must meet the professional qualifications. Paraeducators can provide a copy of their high school diploma – transcripts are not necessary. Schools that operate a Title I, Part A program must have a high school diploma or GED and completed the following: 1. Completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education; or 2. Obtained an associate’s or higher degree; or 3. Pass the ETS ParaPro Assessment. The assessment measures skills, the content knowledge related to reading, writing and math; 4. Completed previously the apprenticeship requirements and must present a journeycard or certificate. The portfolio and apprenticeships are no longer offered for enrollment; however, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) will continue to honor this pathway. If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s and instructional paraprofessional’s qualification, please contact the school principal at your child’s school.
Testing schedule available. Every year our students take part in various testing. Click here to see the Grandview School District testing schedule for the 2022-2023 school year. The schedule includes information on when testing is done and who the test is mandated by.
District Report Card
To see the Grandview School District’s Washington State Report Card, visit the OSPI website or click on the Resources tab at, then click on the Parent Notifications title in the right sidebar. The report card includes information about the district’s state assessment data, accountability data, teacher and student demographics, graduation rates and enrollment data along with other important information. Click here to see the most recent District Report Card.
Notifications 2022-2023
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