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Grandview School District

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Early Steps to School Success

Early Steps to School Success is a program offered by the Grandview School District in partnership with Save the Children. This FREE program is open to all families in the Grandview School District with children from birth to age two. 

The program provides early childhood education services to young children and education services to their families. The program is designed to assist children with early language development, social and emotional development and equip parents with the skills and knowledge to successfully support their child's growth. The result will be a strong foundation of learning for the child, which will parepare them for success in school.

Program Activities

  • Monthly child play groups and storybook hours.
  • Parent/child education groups in school and community settings.
  • Home visits from a trained early childhood educator.

The program is designed to help ensure your child is ready for school. Through the program your child will gain the skills they will need to succeed in school, the parent/child support and education groups will help build your child's social, emotional and language development skills, as a parent you will learn how to support your child's language development and pre-literacy education and the program will help you transition to school actiivities that will help you and your child connect to the pre-school or kindergarten they will attend.

Signing up for the program is easy and registration is ongoing. For more information call one of the Early Childhood Coordinators listed under Contacts - Lorena Mancinas, Gisselly Montes, Ambar Frias and Maria Lopez.

Prenatal Services Available

The Early Steps to School Success Program also offers prenatal services. The program offers prenatal education and support for pregnant women. As well as, prenatal resources and information to help families get ready for baby's arrival.


Early Steps to School Success Brochure

Our Early Childhood Coordinators use Vroom to help families. Vroom is a free app and program from the Bezos Family Foundation, which provides science-based tips and tools to help parents and caregivers give children a great start.


McClure Elementary School
Early Childhood Coordinator
Lorena Mancinas(509) 830-0632

Harriet Thompson Elementary School
Early Childhood Coordinator
Gisselly Montes(509) 831-3587

Arthur H. Smith Elementary School & Contract Learning Center 
Early Childhood Coordinator
Maria Lopez
(509) 831-2946