Flyer Approval
The Grandview School District will distirbute flyers within our schools and across our social media platforms provided your request has been approved by the District Office. To request flyer approval, the flyer must meet the following criteria bulleted below, and an email with the attachment of both flyers in PDF format to Jean Grubenhoff at
- Flyers are to be printed in both English and Spanish
- Disclaimer published on all materials (if not school sponsored)
- Flyers bundled in groups of 25 in English and Spanish
Flyer Distribution Permission Form
“Grandview School District #200 does not sponsor this event and assumes no responsibility for it. In consideration of the privilege to distribute materials in hard copy and/or electronically, the Grandview School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including costs, attorney’s fees and judgments or awards.”
“El Distrito Escolar de Grandview #200 no patrocina este evento y no asume responsabilidad alguna por este. En consideración al privilegio de distribuir materiales en copia impresa y/o electrónicamente, el Distrito Escolar de Grandview no puede asumir responsabilidad por alguna acción que lleve a corte o un tribunal administrativo que surja de la distribución de estos materiales, incluyendo costos, cuotas de abogados y juicios o premios”.
*GSD is hoping to eventually move toward electronic distribution only via GSD social media platforms to help save space in students' backpacks.