RFPs - Archived
Requests for Proposal from previous funding years are listed below.
RFP 2015-2016 Small Works Roster
RFP 2015-2016 Wide-Area Rotary Mower
RFP 2015 - 2016 15-16 Superintendent Search Consultant Services
RFP 2015-2016 Strong Math Program K-8
RFP 2015-2016 Common Core State Standards Science and Social Studies
RFP 2015-2016 Speech Language Pathologist
RFP 2015-2016 PD and Coaching in Literacy
RFP 2015-2016 Dairy Bid
RFP 2015-2016 Fuel Bid
RFP 2015-2016 Fresh Produce
RFP 2014-2015 E-Rate: Internal Connections
- RFP: Internal Connections
- Addendum 1: Equipment List
- Addendum 2: Wifi Maps
- Addendum 3: Proposal Template (Revised)
- Addendum 4: Bid Evaluation Matrix
- Addendum 5: Building Square Footage
- Addendum 6: Equipment List (Revised)
- Addendum 7: Fiber Links by Building